How to Move Active Directory FSMO roles with PowerShell

Setup: Active directory domain with many domain controllers Problem: You want to move FSMO roles to another domain controller Solution: You can move the Active Directory (AD) from the command prompt using PowerShell in just a few seconds with PowerShell. Make sure you import the Active Directory PowerShell module: Transfer all the FSMO roles at […]

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Retrieve passwords from IIS Application Pool with PowerShell remotely

Setup: Server with IIS installed and a remote computer with PowerShell Problem: IIS store the Application Pool Account password un-encrypted and is trivial to retrieve it. If you want to list all application pool accounts and their passwords use the following PowerShell command. You can even scan entire network/domain and make a list will all […]

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Get system information from WMI remotely with PowerShell script

Setup: Remote computer with WMI enabled and firewall open Problem: You want to collect various information remotely Solution: Copy this script and save it on the disk with .ps1 extension. eg. Get-ComputerDetails.ps1 Open PowerShell console and execute the script. Tip 1: For unattended execution save the credentials on the disk and load them at run-time. […]

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